IFAE (Coordinator)
IFAE is the Institute for High Energy Physics in Barcelona. The Quantum Computing Technology group at IFAE led by Pol Forn-Díaz studies and builds superconducting quantum circuits for quantum computing, quantum annealing and quantum optics applications. Within AVaQus, IFAE is the coordinator of the consortium, which includes the dissemination of project news and organization of events. The scientific responsibilities include the design and measurement of superconducting flux qubits for quantum annealing applications.
CNRS - Néel Institute
Research in AVaQus from Circuits electroniques quantiques group from the Néel Institute (Centre de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble) is led by Dr. Nicolas Roch. The group is focusing on experimental superconducting quantum circuit research. In AVaQus, CNRS-Néel Institute contributes to the development of enabling quantum hardware such as wideband parametric amplifiers.
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology group on superconducting quantum circuits is led by Dr. Ioan Pop. The group focuses on superconducting quantum circuit research with high impedance circuits. Within AVaQus, KIT will build a new type of quantum annealers based on this technology.
Delft Circuits
Delft Circuits is a quantum startup, spin-off from the Delft University of Technology. The company’s CEO is Dr. Sal Bosman, the CTO is Dr. Jakob Kammhuber and the COO is Daan Kuitenbrouwer. Delft Circuits develops cryogenic circuit technologies for scientific instrumentation, quantum computing, astronomy and more. Within AVaQus, Delft Circuits will provide wiring and packaging hardware to control the prototype quantum annealers.
CSIC - Institute of Fundamental Physics
Quinfog is the Quantum Information and Foundations Group at the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). Led by Juan José García Ripoll and Diego Porras, Quinfog is designing quantum hardware and quantum algorithms for near term quantum technologies. In AVaQus, CSIC contributes to the design of the superconducting circuit architecture for annealing, its connectivity and its applications to quantum simulation and variational quantum algorithms.
Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech. S. L.
Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech is a deep-tech startup that addresses real-life quantum-ready problems. Qilimanjaro’s integrated hardware & software team co-designs high quality superconducting qubit-based app-specific quantum computers. It has already commissioned its first client gate-based system. In parallel, it is targeting next-generation analog quantum computers with easy-to-use cloud access to effectively address complex optimisation and ML problems. It also provides services for businesses to become quantum-ready, particularly on quantum algorithms, quantum simulation and classical/quantum computer approaches. It has closed significant customer contracts since its first year of operation, and has become a key contributor to the European Commission’s AVaQus H2020 project on coherent quantum annealing. Qilimanjaro is a spin-off from the Barcelona Supercomputer Center (BSC), the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Institute of High-Energy Physics (IFAE).
Univ. of Glasgow
The Quantum Circuit Group at the University of Glasgow, led by Martin Weides, explores superconducting quantum devices for near-term applications. It accesses the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre, a leading 1400 m2 cleanroom which houses over £35M of state-of-the-art fabrication and metrology equipment. Within AVaQus, the QCG will provide microwave circuit simulation of coherent quantum annealing circuits with a focus on scalability, integration and packaging.
HQS Quantum Simulations
HQS Quantum Simulations is a start-up which develops simulation software to accelerate the development of new materials and pharmaceuticals. To achieve this goal, HQS uses cloud based simulation software which can in the future be easily linked to quantum computers. Quantum computers will fundamentally change the way materials are developed and will allow HQS to provide fundamentally new capabilities to costumers. Within AVaQus, HQS will explore the utilization of coherent quantum annealer hardware for quantum simulations as well as variational quantum algorithm algorithms and will develop software within this context.