CSIC - Institute of Fundamental Physics
Juan José García-Ripoll
Juan José García Ripoll (male) tenured at CSIC in 2008, after working for five years as research assistant in the group of Prof. Ignacio Cirac (2001-2006) and a tenure-track contract at Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Prof. García Ripoll’s work is centred on the theoretical design of quantum technologies and the modelling of associated experiments. Within this field he has key contributions, such as proposals for ultrafast quantum computing with trapped ions, the introduction of ultrastrong coupling between superconducting qubits and photons, or new insights in the design and detection of topological order. These results are combined with the development of algorithms for the study of manybody correlated systems (so called Matrix-Product States), and the study of information transport and quantum correlations in condensed matter physics.
Juan José can be reached at: juanjose.garcia.ripoll@csic.es
You can also find Juan José on: Website, Google Scholar, Twitter
María Hita
María Hita Pérez is a PhD student at the Quantum Information and Foundations Group (QUINFOG) in the Institute of Fundamental Physics of the Spanish research Council (IFF-CSIC). After finishing the physics degree at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) in 2018, she studied an interuniversity master’s degree on Nuclear Physics offered by the same institution specializing in theoretical nuclear physics and particle physics. During this year, she had the opportunity to travel around Spain meeting researchers from different universities and have a first contact with research physics. Now, she is working on her thesis within the scope of the project Avaqus. Her work here consists of the theoretical design and modelization of new superconducting circuits, including qubits, tuneable couplers and other architectural elements for quantum optimization and quantum computing. In particular, she is studying the possibility of finding strong non-stoquastic tunable interactions between three Josephson junction flux qubits and with other circuit elements for its later implementation on the construction of a real quantum annealer.
Maria can be reached at: mariahitaperez@gmail.com
Manuel Pino
M. Pino is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Nano-Lab of Universidad de Salamanca. He did his thesis on low-temperature transport in disordered materials. Then, he went to Rutgers University for a postdoctoral position in the group of Lev. B. Ioffe. During that time, he and coworkers proposed a new phase of matter called bad metal (M. Pino, L. B. Ioffe and B. Altshuler PNAS 2016). This phase has similar properties to a glass, as a lack of ergodicity, but it is fully described from the laws of quantum mechanics. M. Pino has kept working on this topic in the last few years, for instances he has analyzed the existence of non-ergodic quantum phases for a particle on a complex lattice (M. Pino, Physical Review Research 2020). This type of "quantum glasses" could provide a solid theoretical background to analyze the performance of quantum annealers when dealing with difficult problems (NP-hard). M. Pino has also worked on superconducting systems with applications to quantum computing, as his proposal to build a Majorana type of qubit using arrays of Josephson junctions (M. Pino, A. Tsvelik, L. B. Ioffe PRL 2015). In this line of research, M. Pino has proposed improvements on the hardware of superconducting quantum annealers, both to reduce the noise and to achieve better qubit connectivity’s. As an example, he together with J. J. García-Ripoll developed a new scheme of error correction using the extra degrees of freedom provided by qubit couplers (M. Pino, J. J García-Ripoll, PRA 2020).
Manuel can be reached at: manuelpinogarcia@gmail.com
You can also find Manuel on: Website
Fernando Javier Gómez-Ruiz
I completed my MSc and PhD in Physics at University of Los Andes - Bogotá (Colombia) in 2013 and 2019 respectively. After that, I moved to Donostia International Physics Center (Spain) to work on the quantum dynamics of strongly-correlated quantum systems in out-of-equilibrium states. My passion is theoretical quantum physics. Specifically, my research interests are in the scientific boundary between condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics and quantum thermodynamics, quantum information science, and quantum science and technology. In AVaQus, we focus on the use of a combination of the theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches. Thus, we will implement a hybrid strategy putting together both analytical and computational methods that efficiently exploit the symmetries and dynamical evolution patterns of the strongly-correlated many-body quantum systems to study open questions regarding Adiabatic quantum computing and Non-equilibrium quantum systems.
Fernando can be reached at: fernandojavier.gomez@iff.csic.es
You can also find Fernando on: Website, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, ORCID, Twitter